Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Ray of Humor

I have an employee who wants me to meet her son. Now, this is a total conflict of interest. But in the spirit of saying 'screw the job', I said I would go to dinner at her place. It'll be her, her husband, her older son and his wife, and the younger (my future husband to be) son... and ME. How awkward. If I survive this experience it'll be one bright, funny spot on the week. Not to be pessimistic, but given the week I have had I am expecting fate to deliver utter humiliation 10 times over.

All I am hoping for is that she did not tell him about me or the purpose of me coming to dinner. That alone would make me die of embarassment... him knowing that his mom wants to set us up. Or if he does know this, I hope he doesn't know that I know too. But if he knows that I know and is aware of the situation himself... EEEK! Man, I wish I knew if he knew. Worse yet... I wonder if his brother and sister in law know... what if they all know why I am coming and know that I know? Is this getting a bit confusing? Well it makes sense in my overdrive mind. I wish I knew... That would do a lot for my confidence and approach. Maybe I should just pretend like I don't know anything about what his mom has planned in her head. Okay, enough thinking about this... its making me sick to my stomach. What have I agreed too?????????


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! You went to dinner?! I HAVE to hear about this. You can call me in the morning if you want... if you have free time. Anytime between about 8:00 and 8:45 my time, as I will be leaving for and on my way to work. Otherwise perhaps I will try calling you on my lunch. Hee!

December 23, 2004 at 2:00 AM  

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