Thursday, September 20, 2007

Is this Really Work?

I just ate subway, these apple crisp things, bag of Dark Chocolate Peanut M&Ms, and a bag of Zachary confections Chocolate covered raisins. WOW... what a lunch. So, everything but Subway came from the Chicago Candy and Snacks convention they had this week. I went on Tuesday and basically trick-or-treated my way through the 100+ stands. And did I mention this was all for work? How sweet is that! No Pun intended.

Anyway, life in Chicago is progressing rapidly. It seems life never slows down. Right now, I'm looking for a place to live. I am currently staying with a college friends parents in the suburbs. They are really nice to me and have been exceptional, but the commute is killing me. I always planned it would be temporary...but now I have a certain 'increased' urgency to move, since I hate wasting 3+ hours of my day in traffic.

As for the job, it is a normal 9-5 type of position. So far, it is going really well. I think it will be exciting to work with these small business owners and help them grow their business. It's almost like being a CEO, the way you get to learn how to manage as a generalist and not as a specialist (which is primarily the role I filled before this).


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