Sunday, September 09, 2007

Today Marks an Expression of Choice

If you asked me a year ago where I would be today, it certainly would not have been starting a volunteer program in Chicago. But that is exactly where I am. It's scary... and exciting. I feel liberated and I can already see the idealism/optimism I was known for in college returning. It's the 'It'll all work out' and 'I can do anything' attitude that clings to me like a second skin now. Gosh, I have such a feeling of hope. It's so hard to describe in words.

So, what has brought these changes in mindset... I resigned from JP Morgan Chase at the end of August. I had originally planned on joining an MBA program, but decided to defer my enrollment for one year. I also have relocated from Columbus Ohio and now live in Chicago, IL. :) I'm very happy about this location change.

Over the next year, I am participating in a social service/volunteer program called AmeriCorps Vista. For those of you who are familiar with the Peace Corps, this is similar except that it is domestic instead of international in scope. Through AmeriCorps Vista, I was assigned to work with a not-for-profit that focuses on Economic Development in low-income areas of Chicago. I am primarily responsible for developing business classes (Marketing, Pricing strategies, Sales, Negotiation, etc.) for established business owners to enroll in to advance/grow their business. Additionally, I am doing counseling work with business owners on a 1-on-1 basis to help develop their strategy for business growth, sales, etc. (almost like consulting work).

So the selfish side of me is going to be sure to enjoy the year and try to find what truly motivates me. And then figure out how to get a job doing that! So I may or may not end up in B-school... I guess we'll see.


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