Tuesday, January 11, 2005

And She Scores...

Big News... I just was elected the Chair of our corporate Asian Employee Network (AsPIRE)group. Now, this isn't exactly the most glamorous of roles... but it has a lot of visibility with senior management. And of course, I will have to do it on my own time. So, I have signed up to volunteer for approx. 10 hours a week for visibility...Probably the wrong reason. But hey, its just the little push I needed to be re-engaged in the company. It also serves as a great way for me to network for a new job. So anyway, we will see. I'm a little nervous about having that many people aware of my existence within the corporation. My role will entail promoting diversity within the bank, something I have always done through high school and college. I am excited about being able to work on it within a corporation, to educate people on what diversity means, and to encourage people to expand their knowledge so that they understand one and another. It makes me feel like I am in school again.

I think I like it when people underestimate me. For instance, if someone expects me to jump 1 foot and I know I can jump 2 feet their lack of faith makes me jump 3 feet. Make sense? Anyway, I love the challenge of proving people wrong and having them think "huh, guess I was off a bit." Maybe one day all the non-believers will come crawling to my side, but until then I will be satisfied with just knowing they had to rethink their initial estimation. Anyway, hopefully I never fail and prove them right...


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