Poor, yet so Rich
The year of revolution. Not countries, not cities, not communities… just me. Revolutionizing the ‘me’. Pulling down the barriers and fears. Revealing a pride at being the best ‘me’ that I could be. The year of revolution. The year of enlightenment.
What comes from playing safe? Missed opportunities, “what if?” questions that haunt you for years, stunted/limited successes, no real stake in the game of life. You don’t lose…but you certainly don’t win. Do I need to worry about how I am perceived at all times? I have a good heart, altruistic motivators, and an internal strength that is reliable. Why should I really worry that someone may not like me? The year of revolution. The year of enlightenment.
I feel the changes in me. I’m not embarrassed or as shy as I was before. I’m not afraid of confronting things head on. My self confidence has grown, enabling me to calm down and focus on my priorities in life. This year of giving back… The year of revolution. The year of enlightenment.