New Lights in My Life
Tomorrow marks a new chapter in my life. I finally have left behind my job of 2 years for a new position within the same firm. I am moving from management to a project management/product development role. Official title: "Operations Manager" The title does not describe what I will be doing, which is good because the role is a lot more 'sexier' than the title would indicate. Or at least I tell myself this at every opportunity.
So, I will join my job and do the unthinkable... Take vacation time 2 days into my job. Who takes vacation when the start a new job? Well, as my old boss said, "'Princess Perfect' redifines accepted standards." A great trait when you are at work and trying to push to new hieghts... Funnier when it pertains to the rules of politics. Oh well! California... Here I come.
Speaking of which... Is Mr. Right really in California? My mom is obsessed with me getting married. So her friends and her have decided to set me up with on of their nephews. My big question... Is he aware of this set up? I don't know why I am so embarassed by it. I am so awkward and unsure of how to proceed when I don't know what someone's expectations & thoughts are. I guess I could ask, but that would be too bold for me. Could I handle the answer? As they say in A few Good Men , "You can't handle the truth!"